“No man is capable of self-improvement if he sees no other model but himself.” - Conrado I. Generoso

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Squires pairs a teen father with a trained volunteer who will meet and participate in weekly planned activities to strengthen the relationship between the two and improve the father’s confidence and hopefulness.
Mentors also serve as a compass to access any social and economic services available to a young father. Such as a resource room of supplies for the children of teens, career guidance, parenting education, and opportunities to be a family in the community.

SK is a fun & safe place for young fathers (ages 25 and under) to connect with other young fathers, gain resources, and have a voice.
SK happens Monthly:
-SK is out and about. Check our facebook page events to find out where the next SK will happen .

Squires Lunch (SL) takes place in various high schools in the Portland metro area. Teen fathers meet with Squires Mentor who brings a meal and a topic to discuss as well as providing a safe friendly face to talk to for support.
DG a program of Impact NW. However, our founder Shanne is always there. DG is not just a place for teen and young dads, its a place for any dad who has a kiddo under 6.
We eat pizza, play with our kids, and talk about parenting, comics, teething, sports, potty training, etc.. Everyone who comes is entered in our weekly raffle for a cool prize.
Dads Group happens Weekly:
EveryTuesday 6pm -7:30pm
Brentwood-Darlington Community Center
7211 SE 62nd Ave., Portland, Oregon 97206

We invite to visit our frequently ask questions and contact page
Project Jimmy is an educational class on the role of a father in America today. This class discussion defines what a good dad looks like, how the absence of a good dad can impact our lives, and why this matters.

(Teen Father Workshop) is a 5 hour workshop specifically designed for the maturity, biology, and attention span of a teen male. At TFW, we unpack the characteristics of a good father. The teens are armed with information concerning how child support works, how to find support, and why dads matter. In addition, we allow the opportunity for the teen to examine the type of father he wants to be. The workshop includes food, child care, and a $40 incentive for participating teen fathers.
Reaching the Teen Dad -
This training workshop is for those who work with teen fathers, although anyone with young males would benefit. You will be challenged to take a closer look at what your program may be saying not only to teen fathers, but also the other males you encounter. We will look at ways to establish and deepen your personal connections by looking beyond the circumstances of the people you are serving. By embracing the biology of how the teen male sees things and communicates, we can cultivate healthy relationships and provide the suitable help these young men are asking for.

Squires wants to help people do better. We quickly grow tired of sitting in meetings, talking. We like to "DO STUFF" that matters, empowers, & makes a difference. We find partners who are like-minded and then make "STUFF" happen. Our past partnerships produced movie screenings, workshops, and resource fairs. If you are like minded and want to "DO STUFF" please contact us and tell us what your idea is.

Contract Services are available for your organization. We can support your pregnant and parenting population through the services and events listed above and more.
Current and past Contract Services have reached with the following organization(s)
- PPS Teen Parent Services Program